
Geo-marketing is an innovative method of integrating Geographical intelligence into all marketing aspects including sales and distribution.

 The main focus of Geo-marketing is to exploit the designated market area to it's maximum potential.

Geo-marketing begins with the discovery of raw potential on the assumption that "birds of a feather flock together", i.e., similar potential customers may or could inhabit the same geographical area. Customer segmentation is analysed on social and demographic characteristics found in the defined areas.

Geo-marketing is one of ispacom's core competence . We connect and analyse your customer data with the given market information based on the territoral reference. We then map your customers and  your market potential!

Other benefits of GIS include:

  • spatial coherence which can only be realized on a map.
  • addtional information for business relevant decisions, e.g., the economies of agglomeration.
  • Complex spatial context which can only be seen on a map.
Open Streetmap und Corin Daten

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